Puppy biting and mouthing is completely normal behaviour. Their jaws are not strong when they first emerge, so they need super sharp teeth to help with eating and their exploration of the world.
Puppies peak in their teething at around 12-16 weeks, so it's not unusual for their behaviour to reflect this. Teething tends to coincide with a stage of development when the puppy is more adventurous and less frightened.
Puppies will play bite, mouth and chew for many reasons:
To explore the world.
To interact with you.
Chew helps a puppy to relax as it releases endorphins.
Chewing helps with the removal of their baby teeth when the time comes.
When emotions are in a high state of arousal.
You may have read in many books that shouting 'Ouch' in a loud voice will teach your puppy to stop biting and mouthing you but this advice is very outdated and I personally do not think it works. For many puppies, the loud noise will excite them more which will encourage the biting behaviour and in fact make it worse.
What to do about puppy biting?
Provide your puppy with plenty of good chews. I recommend long-lasting edible chews such as calve hooves, yak milk, pizzles, and cows' ears. Also, it's important to have plenty of toys with different textures for your puppy to mouth.
Puppies will use their mouths more when over aroused so try to ensure you don’t stroke them, give them your hands or pick them up during these times. Use toys or give them things you are happy for them to mouth.
If your puppy does start to play bite, try to redirect them to a chew or soft toy.
Ensure your puppy is getting enough sleep.
Manage all of your puppy's interactions with children. Children tend to get a lot of the puppy biting, this is likely to be because of the way children handle the puppy. They often pick the puppy up or cuddle the puppy at times the puppy does not want it and the only thing the puppy can do at this moment is mouth. It's important that children get educated on how to read the puppy and give the puppy plenty of space when needed.
Puppies need entertainment and enrichment. Is your puppy desperate for attention or some mental challenges? Have a program in place to ensure you avoid giving your puppy opportunities to practise undesirable behaviours.
Your puppy may be hungry so give them a small snack to see if the biting behaviour reduces.
Whatever you do, don’t argue with them, point your finger, say “Ah! Ah!” or “No!”. Remember to teach them what you want them to do, not what you don’t want them to do. After checking puppy is getting enough sleep, re-directing their attention onto another activity or calming them with food-based training or chews would be my first advice to try.
Check out my blog post all about my favourite long-lasting puppy chews https://www.milneandmutt.com/post/best-long-lasting-chews-for-puppies
For more advice or a more tailored plan please do get in touch.